interface Deno.BenchDefinition
The interface for defining a benchmark test using Deno.bench
Properties #
#fn: (b: BenchContext) => void | Promise<void>
The test function which will be benchmarked.
Group name for the benchmark.
Grouped benchmarks produce a group time summary, where the difference in performance between each test of the group is compared.
Benchmark should be used as the baseline for other benchmarks.
If there are multiple baselines in a group, the first one is used as the baseline.
If at least one bench has only
set to true, only run benches that have
set to true
and fail the bench suite.
#sanitizeExit: boolean = true
Ensure the bench case does not prematurely cause the process to exit,
for example via a call to Deno.exit
#permissions: PermissionOptions = "inherit"
Specifies the permissions that should be used to run the bench.
Set this to "inherit"
to keep the calling thread's permissions.
Set this to "none"
to revoke all permissions.