class TLSSocket
Performs transparent encryption of written data and all required TLS negotiation.
Instances of tls.TLSSocket
implement the duplex Stream
Methods that return TLS connection metadata (e.g.TLSSocket.getPeerCertificate) will only return data while the connection is open.
Constructors #
#TLSSocket(socket: net.Socket | stream.Duplex,options?: TLSSocketOptions,)
Construct a new tls.TLSSocket object from an existing TCP socket.
Properties #
#alpnProtocol: string
| false
| null
String containing the selected ALPN protocol. Before a handshake has completed, this value is always null. When a handshake is completed but not ALPN protocol was selected, tlsSocket.alpnProtocol equals false.
#authorizationError: Error
Returns the reason why the peer's certificate was not been verified. This
property is set only when tlsSocket.authorized === false
#authorized: boolean
This property is true
if the peer certificate was signed by one of the CAs
specified when creating the tls.TLSSocket
instance, otherwise false
Methods #
#addListener(event: string,listener: (...args: any[]) => void,): this
#addListener(event: "OCSPResponse",listener: (response: Buffer) => void,): this
#addListener(event: "secureConnect",listener: () => void,): this
#addListener(event: "session",listener: (session: Buffer) => void,): this
#addListener(event: "keylog",listener: (line: Buffer) => void,): this
#disableRenegotiation(): void
Disables TLS renegotiation for this TLSSocket
instance. Once called, attempts
to renegotiate will trigger an 'error'
event on the TLSSocket
#enableTrace(): void
When enabled, TLS packet trace information is written to stderr
. This can be
used to debug TLS connection problems.
The format of the output is identical to the output ofopenssl s_client -trace
or openssl s_server -trace
. While it is produced by
OpenSSL's SSL_trace()
function, the format is undocumented, can change
without notice, and should not be relied on.
#exportKeyingMaterial(length: number,label: string,context: Buffer,): Buffer
Keying material is used for validations to prevent different kind of attacks in network protocols, for example in the specifications of IEEE 802.1X.
const keyingMaterial = tlsSocket.exportKeyingMaterial(
'client finished');
Example return value of keyingMaterial:
<Buffer 76 26 af 99 c5 56 8e 42 09 91 ef 9f 93 cb ad 6c 7b 65 f8 53 f1 d8 d9
12 5a 33 b8 b5 25 df 7b 37 9f e0 e2 4f b8 67 83 a3 2f cd 5d 41 42 4c 91
74 ef 2c ... 78 more bytes>
See the OpenSSL SSL_export_keying_material
documentation for more
Returns an object representing the local certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the fields of the certificate.
See TLSSocket.getPeerCertificate for an example of the certificate structure.
If there is no local certificate, an empty object will be returned. If the
socket has been destroyed, null
will be returned.
Returns an object containing information on the negotiated cipher suite.
For example, a TLSv1.2 protocol with AES256-SHA cipher:
"name": "AES256-SHA",
"standardName": "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA",
"version": "SSLv3"
See SSL_CIPHER_get_name for more information.
Returns an object representing the type, name, and size of parameter of
an ephemeral key exchange in perfect forward secrecy
on a client
connection. It returns an empty object when the key exchange is not
ephemeral. As this is only supported on a client socket; null
is returned
if called on a server socket. The supported types are 'DH'
and 'ECDH'
. The name
property is available only when type is 'ECDH'
For example: { type: 'ECDH', name: 'prime256v1', size: 256 }
#getFinished(): Buffer | undefined
As the Finished
messages are message digests of the complete handshake
(with a total of 192 bits for TLS 1.0 and more for SSL 3.0), they can
be used for external authentication procedures when the authentication
provided by SSL/TLS is not desired or is not enough.
Corresponds to the SSL_get_finished
routine in OpenSSL and may be used
to implement the tls-unique
channel binding from RFC 5929.
#getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate
Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. If the peer does not
provide a certificate, an empty object will be returned. If the socket has been
destroyed, null
will be returned.
If the full certificate chain was requested, each certificate will include anissuerCertificate
property containing an object representing its issuer's
#getPeerCertificate(detailed?: false): PeerCertificate
#getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate
#getPeerFinished(): Buffer | undefined
As the Finished
messages are message digests of the complete handshake
(with a total of 192 bits for TLS 1.0 and more for SSL 3.0), they can
be used for external authentication procedures when the authentication
provided by SSL/TLS is not desired or is not enough.
Corresponds to the SSL_get_peer_finished
routine in OpenSSL and may be used
to implement the tls-unique
channel binding from RFC 5929.
#getPeerX509Certificate(): X509Certificate | undefined
Returns the peer certificate as an X509Certificate
If there is no peer certificate, or the socket has been destroyed,undefined
will be returned.
#getProtocol(): string | null
Returns a string containing the negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version of the
current connection. The value 'unknown'
will be returned for connected
sockets that have not completed the handshaking process. The value null
be returned for server sockets or disconnected client sockets.
Protocol versions are:
See the OpenSSL SSL_get_version
documentation for more information.
#getSession(): Buffer | undefined
Returns the TLS session data or undefined
if no session was
negotiated. On the client, the data can be provided to the session
option of connect to resume the connection. On the server, it may be useful
for debugging.
See Session Resumption
for more information.
Note: getSession()
works only for TLSv1.2 and below. For TLSv1.3, applications
must use the 'session'
event (it also works for TLSv1.2 and below).
#getTLSTicket(): Buffer | undefined
For a client, returns the TLS session ticket if one is available, orundefined
. For a server, always returns undefined
It may be useful for debugging.
See Session Resumption
for more information.
#getX509Certificate(): X509Certificate | undefined
Returns the local certificate as an X509Certificate
If there is no local certificate, or the socket has been destroyed,undefined
will be returned.
#isSessionReused(): boolean
See Session Resumption
for more information.
#prependListener(event: string,listener: (...args: any[]) => void,): this
#prependListener(event: "OCSPResponse",listener: (response: Buffer) => void,): this
#prependListener(event: "secureConnect",listener: () => void,): this
#prependListener(event: "session",listener: (session: Buffer) => void,): this
#prependListener(event: "keylog",listener: (line: Buffer) => void,): this
#prependOnceListener(event: string,listener: (...args: any[]) => void,): this
#prependOnceListener(event: "OCSPResponse",listener: (response: Buffer) => void,): this
#prependOnceListener(event: "secureConnect",listener: () => void,): this
#prependOnceListener(event: "session",listener: (session: Buffer) => void,): this
#prependOnceListener(event: "keylog",listener: (line: Buffer) => void,): this
#renegotiate(options: { rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined; requestCert?: boolean | undefined; },callback: (err: Error | null) => void,): undefined | boolean
The tlsSocket.renegotiate()
method initiates a TLS renegotiation process.
Upon completion, the callback
function will be passed a single argument
that is either an Error
(if the request failed) or null
This method can be used to request a peer's certificate after the secure connection has been established.
When running as the server, the socket will be destroyed with an error after handshakeTimeout
For TLSv1.3, renegotiation cannot be initiated, it is not supported by the protocol.
#setMaxSendFragment(size: number): boolean
The tlsSocket.setMaxSendFragment()
method sets the maximum TLS fragment size.
Returns true
if setting the limit succeeded; false
Smaller fragment sizes decrease the buffering latency on the client: larger fragments are buffered by the TLS layer until the entire fragment is received and its integrity is verified; large fragments can span multiple roundtrips and their processing can be delayed due to packet loss or reordering. However, smaller fragments add extra TLS framing bytes and CPU overhead, which may decrease overall server throughput.